This eLearning revisits the core purpose of SOPs, which is so often forgotten in many companies.  It will provide useful guidance on how to write, implement and maintain your SOPs within your Sites’ documentation hierarchy. Read more

This self-paced learning course provides comprehensive instruction on Sterile Manufacturing Practices in pharmaceutical manufacturing.   This course utilizes real-world scenarios, embedded video and audio content to instruct on the practical application of these requirements. Engaging knowledge checks are provided throughout each module, and the course concludes with a final competency assessment. The program is presented in three modules: - approximate course completion time = *4.5 hours. Once you finish the first module, you will automatically be able to begin the next module.   Module 1 - Introductory Topics – approximately 1.5 hour Provides key information relevant to microorganisms and sources of contamination, particularly in manufacturing areas.  At the end of this module, you will be able to: Explain the basics of microbiology Recognize what constitutes a sterile versus non-sterile product Define Aseptic environment Identify how specific organisms can cause contamination Recognize how Mother Nature is a potential contamination source Identify other potential sources in a manufacturing area   Module 2 - Intermediate Topics – approximately 2 hours Provides common terminology used in sterile manufacturing procedures such as: Clean Room, Unidirectional air, First air, Restricted access barriers (RABS) versus isolators, autoclave cycle, and isolators.  At the end of this module, you will be able to explain: HVAC Requirements Clean Room requirements and clean room preparation Personnel and material flow Primary packing components Sterilization with both heat and radiation Depyrogneation Steam in place (SIP) Terminal Sterilization Sterile Filtration   Module 3 - Advanced Topics – approximately 2 hours Provides information related to the practical application of Sterile Manufacturing Practices.  At the end of this program, you will be able to: Describe routes of administration and associated patients Successfully complete the gowning process Explain the interrelation between materials, people, equipment and environment for aseptic processing Be aware of the critical controls in place Identify specialized filling technologies Providing an overview of lyophilization Explain container-closure integrity (CCI) Perform visual inspection Explain clean room monitoring *Completion times included are approximate and based on the amount of content included in each section. Content is self-paced, driven by the learner. Read more

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